Welcome to Bixin Innovations

At Bixin Innovations, we specialize in IT consulting with a unique twist. Our mission is to empower people through technology, offering them the tools and knowledge to unlock their potential and achieve financial independence. Join us on this journey to innovation and prosperity.


Tech Education

Empowering people with essential tech skills for a better future.


Career Planning

Personalized career guidance in tech for people aiming for success.


Ongoing Support

Continuous support and resources for people in their tech career journey.


Frequently Asked Questions

How can IT consulting help me as a single mother?

IT consulting can guide you to understand and leverage technology to open up new career opportunities, helping you achieve financial independence and a prosperous future.

What kind of tech skills will I learn?

You will learn a wide range of tech skills, from basic computer literacy to more advanced areas like programming, depending on your interests and career goals.

How does Bixin Innovations support my career growth?

We support your career growth through personalized career planning, resume and interview preparation, mentoring, networking, and continuous learning resources.

“Thanks to Bixin Innovations, I was able to transition into a tech career that not only supports my family but also fulfills me. Their personalized approach to IT consulting made all the difference.”

Jessica T.

Contact us

Ready to transform your future? Contact us now.


Bixin Innovations
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

About us

Bixin Innovations stands at the intersection of technology and social change. Founded in Ottawa, our mission is to leverage IT consulting to empower single mothers, offering them a pathway to financial independence and a rich future. With a focus on education, career planning, and ongoing support, we aim to break barriers and create opportunities in the tech industry. Our team of experts and mentors is dedicated to providing the knowledge, tools, and resources needed to succeed in this dynamic field.